
Its all about you, especially in both of the above aspects.

If you are not happy in your relationship with yourself it will effect your relationship with others and how you look after you.

This website is to inspire you to take care of all the elements of your life to become your best self.

If it’s over, it’s over

One of my clients (lets call her Lucy)
has been in a casual relationship that has ended but she is still waiting on him to come back.

Every now and again he will contact her just to check in to see how she is doing.
This knocks her back each time just when she was starting to feel

normal again.
It is also gives her the hope that eventually he is going to come back – just not yet.

This guy is just playing games – it gives him an ego boast each time he calls and can hear that she is still sad and pinning over him.
Each time he calls he confirms that it is over and that he appreciates her not chasing him – mixed messages or what

I have asked her to not answer his contacts

While she is still waiting for him – she is giving off the vibe to other potential guys that she is taken – as in her head she still is

She needs to connect back with herself so that she builds her confidence

Pushing herself to get out there and build a new life – filling her time with her passions and making exciting memories is the best way to attract a new man into her life

Another tools is changing things up – get a new hairstyle, new make-up or add to your wardrobe

I advise my clients to do multiple dating (dating more than one person at a time) this stops you investing to much in one relationships and keeps your options open

Multiple dating

gives you the chance to meet your prince charming as you are increasing your odds and not wasting time on one man.

I know that might seem harsh – but if its over then move on.

A man will come back if its is meant to be. Staying home and pinning over him is not going to make you attractive to him or anyone else.

If he sees that you are back out there – he might just realise he may well loose you forever and then come back anyway and if not then you have more chance of finding your soul mate as he is not going to come knocking on your door.


It all starts with you and developing love for you.

As a Strategic Intervention coach I help you look at your patterns in relationships and what is not working

so we can develop patterns that will.

How I can help you

Relationship coaching

Become your best self in a relationship

Couple Coaching

Enhance your communication skills together and both get your needs met.

After Relationship Coaching

Pick yourself up, learn from and find your real soul mate.

It is rare to witness a great relationship when you are growing up. Our role models had their own different coping strategies that worked for them (or not), but the world is different now.

We need to learn a new way of being or we just keeping attracting the same type of partner over and over again.

Work with me to get really clear what makes a great relationship for you so you can attract the right soul mate .

Julie Rowe


Become your best self to attract your best partner.

Stop the cycle of pain and gain clarity around your needs.


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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